Spotter | Adding some snap.
The core mechanics of the game are now complete, but we can extend the development to embed what we have learned and create a better game. These extensions are presented in three levels of increasing difficulty we call, 'snap', 'crackle' and 'pop'. You are now on your own, but challenge yourself to see how far you can get using the stages in the tutorials for reference and other online sources.
- At the moment level 1 only has one difference. Complete the design of level 1 by adding all the other differences. Remember that the script relies on the difference game object having the Id, 'differencex'. Where x can be anything providing it is unique to the collection.
You will need to repeat stage 3, parts 9 to 17.
Alternatively if you feel confident you know how this was developed, copy and paste the difference1 game object and simply move the two spheres into their correct position. Note how we used the computational method of "thinking ahead" to make the game so easy to adapt. - Add sound effects to the game. There are some sounds you can use in the assets library.
You learned about sounds in the Pong tutorial, stage 9. - Complete the design of level 2 using the train picture.
You will need to repeat parts of stages 3 and 4, although you will not need to create new scripts, factories or the target game object. These are reusable components.
Alternatively if you feel confident you know how this was developed, simply copy and paste the components in the outline panel from level1.collection into level2.collection, change the picture sprite, the location and size of the differences.
Now progress to the next set of challenges. Stage 6 >