Pong | Playing the sounds.
- In the assets panel, double click the 'ball.script' file. (Or the 'ball - /main/ball.script' object in the outline panel).
- In the update function, find the section with the comment, '-- check if a goal has been scored'. Insert two lines of code to play the goal sound before the ball is respawned.
-- check if a goal has been scored
if pos.x < -15 then
msg.post("score", "player2_scored")
if pos.x > 975 then
msg.post("score", "player1_scored")
What does this code do?
sound.play takes a single parameter which is the Id of the sound object you wish to play. Note, the Id is prefixed with a hash symbol. The sound will stop when it is complete. You can make a sound loop by changing it's 'Looping' property. There are many more settings too. You can stop a sound with sound.stop.
- In the on_message function, find the line of code towards the end that normalises the new vector after the ball bounces off the paddle. Insert a line of code to play the bounce sound as the last action of the if condition.
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("contact_point_response") then
go.set_position(go.get_position() + message.normal * message.distance)
self.direction.x = -self.direction.x
self.direction.y = -self.direction.y
local dist = go.get_position(sender) - go.get_position()
self.direction.y = self.direction.y - dist.y / 150
self.direction = vmath.normalize(self.direction)
- Save the changes by pressing CTRL-S or 'File', 'Save All'.
- Run your game. It should now have some simple sound effects that are played when the ball bounces off the paddle or when a goal is scored.
The tutorial is now complete, but we can always make it better! Stage 10 >
If your code doesn't work and you can't hear any sounds, consider the following potential issues:
- Is the volume turned up? Can you hear other sounds from your computer OK?
- Check the properties of the sound objects. Are they pointing to the sound files?
- Did you remember to set the 'Id' of the sound objects to 'bounce' and 'goal'? Check for spelling errors.
- Did you add the code to the ball object to play the sound in the correct place in the functions?
- Did you refer to the correct object names? #bounce, #goal
- Are you still running a previous version of the game without reloading?
Check the windows you have open.