Incoming | Getting started.
- Launch Defold.
- Choose 'New project' (From Template)
- Choose 'Empty project'.
- Change the title to 'Incoming'. Make sure the location is where you want to save the project.
- Click 'Create New Project'.
- You can delete the file. Right click the file and choose 'Delete'.
- Download the graphics you need for the game by right clicking this zip file and saving the linked file:
The file contains these assets:
16 animation framesearthxx.png
40 animation framestarget.png
- Unzip the file and move the graphics folder into the folder where you have saved your project. If you copied the files out of the zip file you will need to make sure you have a top level, 'graphics' folder.
- Go back to Defold and you should see the new folder and files in the assets panel.
If your assets panel does not look like this you have copied the graphics folder into the wrong place!
We can now create the atlas to store these graphics. Stage 2 >